Monday, March 4, 2013

Myanmar aims to increase life expectancy


Monday, 04 March 2013 17:29 Rosie Gogan-Keogh

As part of Myanmar's developing National Health Plan, the government aims to increase the life expectancy of its people to 75-80 by 2031.

Myanmar people often work hard well into their retirement years, but life expectancy in the country is relatively low. (Photo: IFRC)

The life expectancy of Myanmar people was 60-64 as recorded in 2001.

The announcement came from Dr. Tun Zaw, a deputy director at the Ministry of Health, while speaking on the overall improvements needed across Myanmar healthcare at the Myanmar International Trade and Investment Summit at Yangon's Sedona Hotel on March 4.

“To achieve this, we aim for universal health coverage and to raise awareness of health problems in communities,” he said.

The government is currently working alongside international organizations to half poverty and hunger, reduce infant and maternal mortality, and combat communicable diseases such as TB and HIV/AIDS.

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